Saturday, January 22, 2011


I know that lately I have been rather pessimistic and down.  I guess it is after Christmas blues.  Just to let you know that I can finish something, here are pics of a little sachet I made recently.  It was a gift to go with a purse I sold. 
Just a little simple thing that only took a little bit to make. Maybe now I can finally get in the groove.  I am working on a pillow top that I started a long time ago. I didn't like the center part ~ a ruffled lace heart outline and a lot of ribbon work. I have gotten it out and looked at it and then put it back up. Finally I just ripped the ribbon and lace out. I had done a lot of ribbon work, but I just couldn't stand to look at it. I found a vintage pic of a lady with flowers that I had printed off on fabric and I have tacked it down and now I have decided how I will decorate it.  I am not kidding when I say I have spent a lot of time looking at it. I have an ottoman in front of my recliner (that doesn't recline any more, but it is a Lazyboy and VERY comfortable to sit and sew in). Any way I put the piece on the ottoman and left it there for the last week and just looked at it when I was reading books or watching movies w/ the hubbyman. I have finally reached a decision.  Now we will see if I can execute what I have in mind.  Here is the now pictures and I will post the after picture in a couple of days
This is only the basic stitching.  I have put a few beads on it so far, but a whole lot will follow.  While I was taking that picture I decided to photograph some finished pieces, 2 of the first crazy quilt pieces I ever did.

I don't remember why I strip pieced them. I have never been able to put them up for sale. Several people have wanted to buy both of them but I just couldn't let them go.  Funny how you can bet attached to some things. Sometimes I know there is a flaw in a piece and I want sell it.  I have a handbag like that. I made a mistake with one of the straps and turned it wrong. I guess no one would ever even notice it, but I do.  When Mother and I were sewing for shows, sometimes I would hit a piece like top stitching something, I just could not get it right. After ripping it out 3 times I made it a practice to throw it away and quit working on it, because after 3 times I would never get THAT piece right.  I would waste too much time trying to fix it and could have something else finished and ready to go in that same time.  Well that is it for tonite.
God Bless each of you.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Oh my, and they are so beautiful too... but I do know just how you feel. we are our own worst critics !
I have had the blahs too. Just unable to get goin', going to have to make myself !

Angela said...

Your pillow turned out very pretty,
I know exactly what you mean by taking it out again and again, until you get it right, nobody will notice but you, but even then you don't feel good to sell it.
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, I'm happy you visited.

Rose M. Rodriguez said...

Hi Mary, your creations are beautiful. Sewing is therapy for me, I love the pads, especially the big ones. I hope to make some this year, blessings, Mary