Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am glad Halloween is over.  I used to enjoy Halloween. It was a fun holiday where folks (adults and kids) would dress up in costumes and just have fun.  Now it seems to be soooo violent and gory.  I have to admit that I skipped a lot, no all of the challenges that I was beginning to have fun with because I just don't like the dark, bloody, gory violent themes.  I have gone back to visit some of the blogs that I really like only to find that 2 weeks after Halloween is over they are still decorated with the dark gory stuff. Some of these are some of my favorites that most of the year have really pretty romantic cottage chic decorations and themes. I am not into witches and goth punk looking pics and themes.  I was disappointed to find that they still have not moved on to Thanksgiving and Christmas themes.  If I want to see blood, gore and violence all I have to do is go to any news site.  There is plenty there for everyone.  I realize everyone has the freedom to decorate their blog anyway they want to, but if you wonder why I haven't be by lately it just might be the witches and gore.
I will now step down from my soap box and go back to making Christmas decorations and planning my Thanksgiving dinner for my darling hubby.

As far as I know these 2 pics are public domaine. I got them from a free vintage clip art site. Enjoy.
May you have a blessed week.


Olivia said...

Oh my ME TOO! I think there is enough spookiness in real life...sigh! Anyhoo, I love these darling little cards and you will find plenty of deelish Christmas decor at my site! I am so happy you loved that chicken recipe!
Big squishy hugs,

Christina - Pieces of Dreams said...

My setiments exactly Mary.
As Christians we don't celebrate halloween, and the cards anoy me too.
Chris x

Betsy said...

I love the images--thanks for sharing! And I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My favorite time of year!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Donna said...

Hi Mary!

I'm with you on this one! About 30 years ago, when my youngest was still in elementary school, the school was banning Christmas songs, Easter Parades, and anything to do with faith. Living in California, if you get any further to the left, you'd drown.

Halloween, however, was celebrated with vip and vigor! Contests for the bloodiest, goriest, ugliest, sexiest (ELEMENTARY SCHOOL)and I looked at him and asked, "what are you doing?" His answer surprised me at first, but realized it was the way he'd been raised. "Mom, they won't let us sing anything that has to do with Jesus. Can't even have Santa and Rudolph because that reminds non-believers of the true meaning of Christmas, or Easter eggs because it reminds them of the true mean of Easter. How can one celebrate Hell and Satan, yet ban Jesus, God and Heaven?" That was the last Halloween I acknowledged.

As Christians, we we spend our time, money and focus on the goodness in our world!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and cards with us!

Blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
