Saturday, February 2, 2013


Well, time flies when you're having fun ~ or so the wise ones say ~
As you can see Google has finally changed something and now I can add pictures from my own collection. The above cherub is from , sweet Karen's huge collection of images. Really, when it come to Karen's collection ~ if she doesn't have it * you probably don't really need it.  I am just really REALLY happy to be able to add pics to my blog again.  Blogger does have some problems like when I go to my dashboard sometimes the list of new postings from all your beautiful blogs comes up and sometimes it doesn't.  It's really like rolling dice. But trust me I don't get nearly as upset over that as I did about the picture thing.  I'm just glad they fixed whatever they did. I don't post a whole lot, but I really did miss not having the option to add pics.

 I hope all of you are doing OK. Don fell a little over a week ago on the deck going out to get the mail even though the lil ole wife that doesn't know anything was telling him there was ice out there on the ramp. He tried to slide down it on his back. He is getting better but still real slow getting up and down out of his recliner. I've had a time with my sinuses sneezing and coughing my head off but I am recovering and guess I will live a while longer. One day it's up in the 70's and then it doesn't get out of the 40's for several days. You did NOT hear me say this because I die in the summer heat ~ but I won't be unhappy when spring peeps around the corner.

The above image came from ~ it was in the flower group.  Like I said I am sooooo happy to be able to add pics again. 

Til next time ~ I pray God's blessings on each of you.



Rose M. Rodriguez said...

Hello Mary, you know, sometimes we find it difficult to be here, among other things, situations blogger. But we're going to do!, Images are so beautiful! I love them! You can also visit me at my other blog of crafts, there am over Meanwhile, I read that for many people the weather is a challenge, so it represents, here Mary, all year it's summer, it would be cooler by 64 in high areas in January, but this time the remaining of the 74 to 90 degrees or so! And I'm thinking when we get out of these months is now in 85 or so, maybe 75, fresh for us and I think that does not stifle the summer and you see that the weather is so different for everyone! Mary Anyway, I like it here always have tropical breeze. Greetings, Rose Marie

shirley said...

You have a beautiful blog Mary I have enjoyed my visit.
Hope your husband recovers quickly.

Nicola said...

I hope your husband gets over his fall quickly.