Monday, January 10, 2011


Well, the storm came just like they said it would.  At 2:34pm Sunday I saw my first snow flakes. Unfortunately, that was just about all the snow I got to see.  Within 10 minutes it started sleeting pellets the size of BB's and a couple of hours later freezing rain.  And that is all we have had.  I had rather have snow, atleast it is pretty.  So far no power outages for us. I have only heard 2 rescue units go by. We live about a 1000 feet from a major highway with mostly pasture and forest between us and the road. It means we can hear everything that goes up and down the road, according to ALDOT about 8,000 to 9,000 cars and trucks and rescue units a day.  That's pretty good for 1/8 to 1/4 inch of ice out there.  The temp is sitting right around freezing right now with no sunshine in sight before Tues or Wed.  So I guess the ice will stay for a while.  As long as we keep the power I will be happy.  If we don't, I will endure.  Hope you all have a happy day and God bless all of us.

From iceland, Alabama


From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I'm with you Mary. I would much rather have the snow.

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

brrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mary...stay warm ! Saw a bit of what ya'll got there, and did you see Atlanta???? I'm happy we are waaaay down South LOL.

Jenn Seratt said...

We got around 4 inches of snow here in Middle TN and it's hanging around. I haven't been out of the house in days. Thanks for being the newest follower of Seeds on a Breeze. I'm now your newest follower.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Ice is awful! I'd much rather have snow! Given my choice I could live without both! LOL!!